What is InControl

This page gives you a short description of some of the use-cases for InControl.

Prepairing for your audit

Preparing for your audit requires showing to the auditor the settings and controls you have in place on your systems, as well as showing that your systems are compliant. InControl enables you to easily achieve this. Our compliance history section provides a visual representation of your compliance status over time.

Audit Trail

In addition, the auditor may request an audit trail that documents any changes made to the controls and explains the reasoning behind them. The audit trail should also detail any compliance or vulnerability issues identified on the systems. The InControl audit trail provides this information.

On the audit trail entry for a change, it’s easy to view the current system status and any detected compliance changes.

In comparison to other compliance reporting solutions, InControl has a very strong unique selling point (USP). It can enforce the necessary changes to ensure your system is compliant. You have the option to choose between having InControl only report or enforcing the controls as well.

This module is an essential component of our InControl software suite, containing the InControl console application. The InControl console is a powerful tool that enables you to monitor, report, and manage compliance and vulnerabilities across your entire fleet of systems.

InControl is a comprehensive application that allows you to detect and report any potential compliance and vulnerability issues with ease. It also provides timely action to address them. With its user-friendly and intuitive design, even non-technical users can navigate and utilize it effectively. The InControl console is an essential tool for any organization looking to maintain regulatory compliance and ensure the security and reliability of its systems and infrastructure.

The InControl console provides a centralized location for all compliance and vulnerability issues, allowing users to easily manage and track their progress. The application is constantly updated with the latest compliance and vulnerability standards, ensuring that your organization is always up-to-date and in compliance with regulations.

Overall, InControl is an indispensable tool for any organization looking to maintain regulatory compliance and ensure the security and reliability of its systems and infrastructure. Its advanced algorithms, user-friendly design, and customizable alerts and notifications make it the perfect solution for organizations of all sizes and industries.

Here is a screenshot of InControl.

The InControl application seamlessly coordinates with several modules, including:

  • Vulnerability (detecting and effectively managing vulnerabilities across your fleet of systems)
  • Linux_secured (measuring and strictly enforcing CIS compliance for Linux systems)
  • Ora_secured (measuring and strictly enforcing CIS compliance for Oracle databases)

Additionally, we are actively working on and planning support for the following modules:

  • Db2_secured (measuring and strictly enforcing CIS compliance for DB2 databases)
  • Win_secured (measuring and strictly enforcing CIS compliance for Windows systems)
  • Pg_secured (measuring and strictly enforcing CIS compliance for Postgres databases)
  • Mssql_secured (measuring and strictly enforcing compliance for MS SQL databases)

In addition to the pre-defined CIS benchmark-based controls found in the product-based modules, you can also create your own controls. By doing so, you can tailor the system to fit your organization’s specific needs, ensuring that your compliance and vulnerability requirements are met. These custom controls can be designed to cover a wide range of areas, such as security policies, access controls, or data retention.

Furthermore, these controls will report back to InControl, making it the perfect centralized tool for all of your compliance and vulnerability needs. With InControl, you can easily monitor your operating systems, databases, and corporate controls to ensure that they meet your organization’s security standards. Whether you are looking to manage compliance requirements or identify potential vulnerabilities, InControl has got you covered.

Check here to see the full documentation for this module.